You may be thinking, ” What?! I didn’t know Alex does maternity sessions!!” and you would be correct! I usually do not get to shoot maternity sessions however, long story short, I was contacted by a photographer friend Veronique Photography who reached out to see if I was available to take this session on as she was not able to, and I was! I am so glad I was able to capture this season of Ashley and Jesse’s lives before they welcome their little boy in July.
With lots of chatting back and forth we decided to have their session at Mac’s Apples in Londonderry! I am so thankful they were open to coming to this location. It was such a beautiful place with lots of areas on their grounds we were able to go to and the light was perfect! The night was perfect for a session and I just loved getting to know them and seeing how cute that little bump is!
As I scroll through these images I can’t help but remember being pregnant with Ethan and then again with Henry and wondering how our lives would change when we had one, and then again when we had another. Nothing could have prepared me for the joy that we were about to experience then. Taking these portraits felt so different after experiencing pregnancy myself and I loved it! I don’t miss not being able to see my feet or the sleepless nights and indigestion, but I do miss feeling the movement and kicks inside of me. It’s just such a miracle and a precious season that deserves to be captured! I hope that one day Ashley and Jesse’s sweet baby boy will love seeing these portraits of his momma and daddy together before he was born!!! Enjoy some of my favorites!!