Bride and Groom Portrait Session | Rye Beach, NH

This session was like a dream come true! Not only for me, but for Brooke and Conor too! These two were married just 6 months ago in May( Check out their wedding blog HERE)  and while their wedding day was BEAUTIFUL, we lost light and it rained a little after their ceremony. Their bride and groom portraits were inside and that worked out perfectly, however, Brooke was really hoping for some outside bride and groom portraits. She contacted me a few months ago with her idea of getting back into their wedding attire and getting a few portraits of them on the beach with their dog, Murphy. You can see more photos of Murphy from their engagement session we had a year ago.

I was so ecxcited to see them again and to take photos OUTSIDE for them!I knew this was going to be a session that they will have photos they will LOVE and want all over their house! We picked the date just before their 6 month anniversary of being married. It was about 30 degrees outside… on the beach… with some slight wind… but you can not tell that Brooke and Conor are freezing! They braved the cold and got amazing photos! I am so happy that I was able to do this for them. I am ever so thankful that they trusted me to capture more photos of them during their first year of marriage! I can not wait to share these with you all, and I hope I get to see these two again and again and again, soon!

Brooke and Conor ( and Leah and Murphy)- You guys ROCK! Thanks so much for coming to NH, getting all dressed up, bringing some details and braving the freezing temps! It was 100% worth it and I bet your car ride back home was warm! 🙂 I can not wait to see you guys again! I also can not believe your wedding was 6 months ago! Time flies! Congratulations, again! I love you guys so much! I hope you have these prints all over your home soon, they are too amazing not to have hanging up for all your visitors to see! xoxo

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meet the photographer Ali

A New England based photographer, chaser of that perfect light, lover of holiday eves and all things pumpkin!  My favorite color is TEAL (and anything light blue). To this day, I love me a good BSB/NSYNC reception dance party and I can not wait to meet you! 

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