First Beach Trip of 2020 | Hampton, NH

Summer has begun and we have been to the beach several times since these photos were taken, but I still wanted to share this blog post with you. If you follow me on social media (especially instagram) you get to see a little behind the scenes of my family so these guys should look familiar to you.

We LOVE the beach!! The sounds of the ocean, the salty air, the sand! We LOVE it! These first few times we went there this year the beaches were only open for active use only. You couldn’t set up your chairs or blankets but we did not mind. We just wanted to see the water and breathe some of that salty air since we have been in quarantine.

Now, its hot, but here at the end of May/Beginning of June it was still chilly by the water, so the kids were dressed in pants and sweatshirts. Well…. I should have known that there was no keeping them away from the water and they were living their best life in the freezing water with sweatpants on! It was exactly what we needed and I have to say, I am a pro at packing for a day trip like this! Extra clothes, towels and pajamas were in the car so when it was way too cold for them, we went up and changed then went back onto the beach.

To top it off, Hampton North Beach has an awesome ice cream place across the street and we have been spoiled with THE BEST ice cream around….every time we go…! Here are  a few photos of the first beach trip we have had so far…. now we are thrilled we can sit on the beach and just be, with distance between all of the other beach goers!

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meet the photographer Ali

A New England based photographer, chaser of that perfect light, lover of holiday eves and all things pumpkin!  My favorite color is TEAL (and anything light blue). To this day, I love me a good BSB/NSYNC reception dance party and I can not wait to meet you! 

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